Are Drive-Ins Making a Comeback Amidst COVID-19?

Thousands of movie theaters across the nation have shut their doors due to social distancing laws during the coronavirus pandemic.
Even though brick and mortar movie theaters are in limbo mode, drive-ins have started to make a comeback, popping up in many towns across the country. Social distancing has allowed this relic to become a popular alternative to see your favorite movies on the big screen.

During these times of self-isolation, going out to the movies doesn’t seem like an option, or is it? As the coronavirus closes many entertainment venues and non-essential businesses, the retro drive-in seems to be the “last man standing” when it comes to big-screen entertainment.
It seems that the coronavirus has increased the interest in seeing films from the comfort of your car. Drive-ins have become a popular spot for those looking for entertainment during the pandemic.

Of the approximately 700 operational drive-in movie theaters in the world, nearly half are in the United States. According to the United Drive-In Theatre Owners Association, it’s estimated that about 10% of drive-ins remain open during the virus crisis. The few who have chosen to keep serving patrons have found sales to be increasing. Drive-ins can offer a safe alternative during these isolating times.
We know that in the past, drive-ins were not able to compete with the offerings of America’s 5,500 indoor theaters, but what exactly caused them to fail? Back in the day, most drive-ins were built on a large piece of land; typically in rural areas. But as developers encroached on the area around them, property values and taxes went up. Eventually, the spaces that the screens were sitting on was far more valuable than the revenue they were bringing in. In addition, drive-ins lacked digital management, online bookings, and some operated on a cash-only basis. Nonetheless, many people enjoyed these outdoor cinemas for the retro feel and look.
Now that drive-ins can enjoy the glory of being the only show in town, their popularity is a sign of an enduring love for the big screen. The coronavirus pandemic has magnified what we may have taken for granted. People need entertainment, a form of escape, and the cinema provides all of this.
Get a free online quote or talk to a live agent at 888-449-0174 to see how much money you can save.
If you’re interested in visiting a drive-in movie theater, we recommend that you first check in with them via their website, Facebook page, or by phone. This way, you can get the most up to date information on their hours of operation. You can search for an operating drive-in near you through this Interactive Map.
The next time your kids complain there’s nothing to do, give your local drive-in a call to experience a blast from the past.
Even though brick and mortar movie theaters are in limbo mode, drive-ins have started to make a comeback, popping up in many towns across the country. Social distancing has allowed this relic to become a popular alternative to see your favorite movies on the big screen.
Drive-Ins During COVID-19

During these times of self-isolation, going out to the movies doesn’t seem like an option, or is it? As the coronavirus closes many entertainment venues and non-essential businesses, the retro drive-in seems to be the “last man standing” when it comes to big-screen entertainment.
It seems that the coronavirus has increased the interest in seeing films from the comfort of your car. Drive-ins have become a popular spot for those looking for entertainment during the pandemic.
Could Social Distancing Boost Drive-In Sales?

Of the approximately 700 operational drive-in movie theaters in the world, nearly half are in the United States. According to the United Drive-In Theatre Owners Association, it’s estimated that about 10% of drive-ins remain open during the virus crisis. The few who have chosen to keep serving patrons have found sales to be increasing. Drive-ins can offer a safe alternative during these isolating times.
We know that in the past, drive-ins were not able to compete with the offerings of America’s 5,500 indoor theaters, but what exactly caused them to fail? Back in the day, most drive-ins were built on a large piece of land; typically in rural areas. But as developers encroached on the area around them, property values and taxes went up. Eventually, the spaces that the screens were sitting on was far more valuable than the revenue they were bringing in. In addition, drive-ins lacked digital management, online bookings, and some operated on a cash-only basis. Nonetheless, many people enjoyed these outdoor cinemas for the retro feel and look.
Now that drive-ins can enjoy the glory of being the only show in town, their popularity is a sign of an enduring love for the big screen. The coronavirus pandemic has magnified what we may have taken for granted. People need entertainment, a form of escape, and the cinema provides all of this.
Relying on Your Car During a Pandemic
During this pandemic, more people are turning to drive-thrus and drive-ins to keep their distance from one another and prevent the spread of the coronavirus. It's uncertain how long social distancing will last, but relying on cars and remaining inside them is now the new normal for many of us across the globe. Even with all this uncertainty, you can still safeguard your car and finances with car insurance. Having peace of mind while driving gives the greatest satisfaction and is one less thing to worry about.Get a free online quote or talk to a live agent at 888-449-0174 to see how much money you can save.
Looking For An Escape?
Finding a drive-in for a quick, weekend escape can be a great family experience. Some drive-ins are even giving patrons the option to buy tickets, or even order food, on their website. Remember when sneaking food into the theater seemed impossible? Drive-ins allow you to bring your own snacks, all while remaining in the comfort of your own vehicle. Bring some pillows, get comfy, and enjoy a relaxing night out of the house.If you’re interested in visiting a drive-in movie theater, we recommend that you first check in with them via their website, Facebook page, or by phone. This way, you can get the most up to date information on their hours of operation. You can search for an operating drive-in near you through this Interactive Map.
The next time your kids complain there’s nothing to do, give your local drive-in a call to experience a blast from the past.